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    The Toy 結果共4筆

  • Mayor welcomes home rescue team, gifts dogs toys for efforts

    Kaohsiung City Mayor Chen Chi-mai welcomes home a search and rescue team, including four dogs who helped locate victims of the April 3 Hualien earthquake. Roger, an 8-year-old rescue dog nearing retirement, found three deceased members of the Yu family and was gifted a toy upon return.
    2024/04/08 10:47
  • IKEA delights shoppers with hidden pet adoption QR code

    Discover a heartwarming surprise at IKEA! A customer found a QR code on a golden retriever plush toy that leads to the National Animal Shelter Management System. Scan the code to find your perfect furry companion waiting for adoption. IKEA’s thoughtful initiative has touched hearts online.
    2024/02/15 10:43
  • Schools banning ’carrot knife’ toy due to safety concerns

    Four regional governments in Taiwan, including Yunlin County, Keelung City, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, and Taichung City, have banned the popular toy knife known as the "carrot knife" from schools due to safety concerns. The toy, originally from mainland China, gained popularity among Taiwanese students through social media platforms like TikTok and Xiaohongshu. The ban is primarily due to the pointed tip on the front end of the plastic retractable toy, which is seen as potentially dangerous. Taipei City and New Taipei City advise students not to bring the toys to school, while other municipalities require schools to enhance safety management and provide safety education.
    2023/11/02 21:11
  • 經典翻拍!富豪買「人」當玩具 貧與富的鴻溝

    金錢是不是真的能買到一切?今天要介紹的電影,是法國經典社會喜劇《The Toy》(Le Jouet)翻拍,講述富家子弟竟買下「一個人」當玩具,顛覆世俗的劇情內容,在1976年上映當時就造成全法轟動,如今也成為法國人的兒時回憶之一。電影也曾在1982 年被翻拍成美國版本,如今被第三度翻拍!艾菲爾鐵塔下的兩個世界,奢華豪宅對比老舊社區,電影場景也隨著時代變遷升級,加深呈現貧與富的鴻溝。
    2023/03/03 19:58
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